Signs That Will Tell You If You Have Bed Bugs

It’s everyone’s nightmare: bed bugs. Normally, one doesn’t think of highly industrialized countries like the UK when one mentions these insects. However, they are spreading more and more, even and especially in Western countries. The reason for this is simple: if you have been somewhere where bed bugs are present, they crawl into your clothes and luggage and then spread when you are at home.

Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed and are dark brown in color – right after „eating“, they may appear reddish brown due to the blood that makes up their food. But since they hide during the day, you’re unlikely to stumble upon them. This makes the following tips all the more important.

If you find small white grains a little smaller than grains of rice in the corners and cracks of the walls or floor, they may be bedbug eggs. Even in this case, you are certainly impacted, because where there are eggs, the parents aren’t far away.

Again, this unpleasant smell can have many causes. But like all animals, bed bugs leave behind an odor of their own; their remains also have an unpleasant smell. It’s supposed to smell like very strong coriander – so that is at least one clue that the pests are your new roomies.

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