It’s not common, but once in while you hear about people undergoing plastic surgeries. One might want to change their nose, breasts, lips or maybe just give the face som extra glow.
But Jessica Alves, formerly known as Rodrigo Alves, took it one, or maybe 70 steps further, changing her appearance into a human Barbie doll.
It’s OK not to be completely happy with your own appearance and body. No matter what you do, however, always remember that you’re beautiful and capable of doing amazing things no matter what people say.

Some people chose to undergo plastic surgeries in an attempt to alter their appearance. Jessica Alves took it one step further, and recreated her entire appearance.
Jessica Alves – transition
We will start the story of Jessica in early 2020. In an interview with The Mirror, Jessica Alves, born Rodrigo, came out as transgender.
“I’m known as Ken but inside I’ve always felt like Barbie,” the 36-year old said. “I finally feel like the real me. Glamorous, beautiful and feminine.”
From that day, she goes by Roddy ans use “she” and “her” pronouns.
Came out as transgender
Jessica received hormone injections which gave her feminine hips Along with blonde hair extensions and fake eyelashes, she now wears a D-cup bra as well. In July, she announced that she would go by the name Jessica.
“For years I tried to live my life as a man. I had a fake six pack put in, I had fake muscles in my arms but I was lying to myself,” she said. “I’m a woman and have always had a feminine brain. Now my body matches my mind.”