Woman Stuck Upside Down Between Two Rocks After Dropping Her iPhone

After attempting to recover her dropped iPhone from a deep chasm, a woman found herself caught between two enormous rocks with her feet up in the air.

Paramedics rushed to the scene of the frightening occurrence earlier this month, describing it as something they had “never encountered” before.

While trekking in Australia’s Hunter Valley, the woman fumbled her iPhone and fell into a three-meter pit between enormous boulders.

She was left upside down and unable to pull herself out and to safety due to the size of the hole and the fact that she entered head first.

Source: Freepik

Her pals attempted to telephone emergency services, which is triple zero in Australia, but were unable because there was no phone signal in the region.

By the time paramedics from NSW arrived on the site, the woman had been hanging upside down by her ankles for an hour.

In order to prevent the other rocks from collapsing and crushing the trapped woman, emergency personnel had to first construct a sturdy wooden framework before removing a number of large, heavy boulders.

The woman had to be guided through a very tight ‘S’ bend in the rock formation for almost an hour after the rocks, which weighed over 500 kilos, were removed.

Peter Watts, a specialized rescue paramedic with NSW Ambulance, stated: “I had never worked as a rescue paramedic for ten years; it was difficult but very fulfilling.

“Every agency had a role, and we all worked incredibly well together to achieve a good outcome for the patient.”

The entire rescue effort lasted over seven hours.

In terms of injuries, the woman just sustained scratches and bruises, which feels miraculous considering the situation she was in.

Even though the woman was safely saved, her iPhone is still missing. Oh well.

Facebook users have praised the paramedics for their efforts after posting about the rescue on social media.

“Well done to all involved, so glad she is safe and unhurt,” one participant commented.

A second said, “Oh my gosh. The young lady is so lucky you were able to get her out.”

“I hope she bought a lottery ticket and shares the winnings with you all.”

And a third member of the public added, “Wow, just wow. What a mighty and fantastic effort and demonstration of true teamwork. Thank you for your service to the community.”


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